5 Quick Tips for Better Instagram Photos

Title Page Origami

Let's face it, if you want your Instagram feed to stand out, you need to take better photos. You don't need a fancy camera or elaborate equipment.  You don't need to be a designer or a stylist. And you don't have to spend all day taking the perfect photo, but you do need bright, clear, and consistent photos if you want your work to be eye-catching.

First, since you're posting to Instagram, it makes sense to just use your phone camera. These days most smartphones have cameras that rival a digital camera. And you can edit the image and post it directly to your account once you have the perfect shot. Ok, here are a few quick things you can do that will make all the difference in your social media game:


1. Wait for Daylight

We can start with a very simple, yet obvious way to instantly improve your photos. Wait for sunlight. I know, it's midnight and you just finished a great new painting and you can't wait to post it, but you should wait. Natural light will improve the quality instantly. For best results, use indirect sunlight. Set up your work next to a window or on your covered porch.

Books Windowsill Paint Tube

2. Use Cheap Poster Boards

Here is another simple solution to achieve bright photos: Keep a couple of white poster boards on hand. A clean white surface for your artwork lets the work stand out, while the whiteboard propped on the side works like a makeshift lightbox. As a bonus, by using poster boards, any place in your home can now become your photo studio, even the kitchen counter!

Paint Blocks White Background

Paint Blocks Brushes Plates

3. Try the Flat Lay Method

The method of standing directly over your work to capture a photo is called a flat lay. It's an easy way to style your artwork quickly with some art supplies or other clever objects that help show size and bring interest to your photo. Even the reality of your messy studio desk can make for an eye-catching photo, but edit the photo so that it doesn't get so busy that the viewer misses the artwork! And, well, it's going on Instagram, so a square is your best bet.

Paint Blocks Blue Pinks

Paints Blocks

4. Variety of Angles to Create Interest

Now have fun with your little photo shoot. Take extra photos from all angles. For large works, hang them on the wall, take them outside and snap a photo in the garden, or leave them on your easel to show work in progress. Give your work some breathing space to get a sense of size and to create greater interest.

Flowers Tacks

Large Cloud Canvas Outdoor

5. Please Use an Editing App

And finally, don't forget to use your editing apps! Even when you use indirect sunlight your images may not be bright enough or the temperature of the photo needs adjustment. You can use your phone's pre-installed editing app, Instagram's editing tools or an app like A Color Story works great for getting the lighting just right for your photo. 

quick tips for taking better instagram photos by Kellee Wynne Studios editing.jpgLarge Small Flower Canvas

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Bonus tip for the highly motivated Instagram photographer, or those who work at night: use a set of BOX LIGHTS with daytime lightbulbs for clear, crisp photos. I love this set:

LimoStudio 700W Photography Softbox Light Kit


Give it a try and let me know how you like it!