Capture the Magic: A Journey through Abstract Landscapes

It’s that time of year again…
Autumn is here…The leaves are beginning to change colors in this corner of the world.
Autumn is here and the landscapes around us are transforming into something else that is bold and new, but comforting and familiar all at once. This is the inspiration, the muse, for lush landscapes.
When we say Lush, we are talking about layers…pieces…mixtures. Combining all your favorite marks and textures and colors until a story appears. Sometimes a lush landscape can be discovered in something you see every day and sometimes pushing the boundaries further in your art can create a beautiful abstract.
What is abstract? Can it be recognizable? Or is it complete chaos? Are there any rules?
Who's in charge here? Well, that’s an easy one, you are! 🥳
Do you want to find the answers to the other questions we ask about the abstract? With a few guiding design principles, anything goes in abstract art.
Yep, we said anything. 😬
BUT… abstract doesn't mean easy. In fact, with loose guidelines comes more decisions you need to make in order to make a successful painting. Sometimes the feeling of overwhelm can also come from indecisiveness of having too many options. So, we can go back to basics - Don't let freedom fool you into thinking you can skip foundation principles.
And about pushing the boundaries...
Sometimes an abstract landscape painting is more obviously a landscape and sometimes it really pushes the boundaries of pure abstract - and that is what is so exciting about letting loose and letting go of the "rules".
The feeling of allowing yourself to blur the lines of traditional work with a less formed and far more of and far more abstract style of landscape painting is exhilarating. The discovery of adding all our favorite elements of mixed media in lots of lush layers while leaving our marks raw and expressive is a thrill!
Can you take these ideas and make them your own? That is what we talk about in the Lush Landscapes course. Picking favorite color palettes, making new marks, finding our way, and learning to trust our intuition to guide us into abstract layers that represent the feeling of the landscape. It seems that everyone who has joined us is doing just that. And we are having immense amounts of fun!
So let's start talking about testing combinations, and practicing color principles that we love, but most importantly - thinking for yourself and embracing YOU and YOU art!
Let's capitalize on these magnificent changes in seasons to influence transition and new life into our art. Let's reimagine our style. Let's have the pieces of the puzzle show us a new scene that maybe we have been missing.
Join us to start talking about testing combinations, and practicing color principles that we love, but most importantly - thinking for yourself and embracing YOU and YOU art!
Click here for Lush Landscapes