Learning how to paint abstract florals is the perfect match for you
If you always wanted to push yourself into a more expressive style.
Wild marks, scribbles, color studies and permission to explore without purpose.
After we have let loose, I will help you harness all those ideas to make well-composed paintings that radiate with color and motion.
Regularly $199
Experience the SuperBloom!

Module 1:
The opening chapter of the SuperBloom course includes several lessons to loosen you up and help you understand color, composition and design when creating abstract floral paintings. We'll also cover mind mapping, generating ideas and scaling your work to bigger sizes.

Module 2:
Once we have laid a nice foundation for your toolbox of skills, we will work on mark making in motion and how to set the mood for your painting by starting on different light and dark backgrounds. Take color to the next level with some lessons that get you to think differently about your palette.

Module 3:
In the final official module of the course we will be working much bigger than most of my other courses. This is a chance to really expand your painting experience and finally create work that makes an impact with size. And we will be working on several pieces in this section so you get the full effect.

Bonus Module
ReBloom! A term I coined when you take old work or unfinished pieces and begin in a whole new direction with abstract florals while still using the original surface as inspiration. This will be a selection of process videos set to music so you can watch the florals unfold in a new direction.

Bonus Module
In 2020 when the world shut down due to the pandemic, I jumped into action for my students and painted for 8 days straight in a wild Paint-a-thon creating my largest painting on wrapped canvas to date. In this bonus you will get to watch the entire now edited video with instructions and insights included.

Bonus Event
The replay of a special 2 day SuperBloom event hosted through Zoom. Watch as I paint live, answer questions and guide you through the process of painting a large abundant SuperBloom.
Just What You're Looking for: Loosen up and Create Vibrant Abstract Paintings!
In SuperBloom you will get:
- 3 Comprehensive Modules
- 2 Bonus Modules including extra examples.
- 1 LIVE online workshop
- Over 8 hours of high quality video instruction
- Lifetime* access to online course
- Videos can be downloaded
- Private Community to share your work and get support
- Designed for artists of all levels
- Easy to follow instructions
- PayPal or Secure credit card check out
When Was the Last Time You Danced?
Everyone deserves to enjoy the process of creation but often we get mired in the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts". Let it all go and start painting how YOU want to paint - Beyond expectation and expressing your authentic voice! SuperBloom may be an abstract floral course, but it is so much more. It's a chance to open up to your own process and paint more like you've always wanted to!
Exclusive LIVE Online Retreat Replay!
Join me on this Zoom replay as I paint live, answer questions and guide you through the process of painting a large abundant SuperBloom Painting.
Highlights of What You Will Learn in SuperBloom:

Art Journal Lessons
Lessons developed specifically for the creative cycle we all go through in making our work. How do you realize an idea, select colors and then practice your ideas? Mind map your ideas and then use an art journal to work it out first.

Generating Ideas
Spontaneously develop ideas with rapid gestural drawing. Use your intuition to create dozens of quick sketches and then develop the ideas into fully realized paintings. Lessons that will keep you loose and free and far from overthinking.

A Peek Into My Process
Over a dozen complete visual only painting lessons to reinforce my favorite loose and free abstract floral techniques. I call these ReBlooms - when I take old work and paint over it for a new look.

Exploring Limited Color Palettes
Let's play with unusual paint color combinations and mark making on loose paper to create studies. Then we'll take it to the next level and create a large mixed media abstract painting. No detail is left undone.

Complete Start to Finish
Paint on canvas! My tried and true method to layering acrylic paint to achieve a free form floral garden. Start with dark brown and then watch the reds pop! We repeat large format painting several times in this course.

A Wide Variety of Materials
Learn how to handle your paint and supplies with ease. Discover innovative and fun techniques using water soluble graphite, acrylic paint, oil pastels, stencils, spray paint, and more layers than you can imagine!
Here at Color Crush Creative we take our art as wildly playful, but our customers seriously. All our courses are backed by a 14 days guarantee. If you don't love it you can request a refund. In fact, if you have any questions, concerns or technical challenges, just reach out to our amazing team and we'll be there to guide you. admin@kelleewynnestudios.com
If you have more questions about this course, the benefits of Color Crush Creative as your creative inspiration outlet or how Kellee Wynne and her team will serve you, please jump on over to this link:
What is a Super Bloom?
A super bloom is a rare desert botanical phenomenon in which an unusually high proportion of wildflowers whose seeds have lain dormant in desert soil germinate and blossom at roughly the same time. The phenomenon is associated with an unusually wet rainy season.
In art, it is that magical moment where spontaneity meets years of hard work. Where all that you know about painting finally becomes all that you feel. It’s a rare moment in an artist’s development and it always happens when you least expect it. Quickly, on the spot and without planning is when the muses arrive.
In my art practice something just clicked when this series of wild abstract florals manifested themselves. That’s all I know and now a portal has opened up and here I am finding myself in love with painting all over again. Maybe it’s a culmination of all the years of experience, maybe it’s finally learning to let go of what’s in my head, and it’s probably a whole lot to do with trusting myself… But whatever this magic is, I'm excited to be here at this very moment. Also, for the opportunity to share it all with you in my brand new workshop that touches on the heart and soul of why we create.
But wait... there's more, Your Bonus Course!
In addition to the HD Video Lessons in your new online course, you also get the complete Foundation Essentials bonus course worth over $150 and packed with over 20 lessons when you enroll today.
You don't need to feel lost when it comes to the techniques you need to get started making art!

Painting Basics

Color Harmony
Let's deepen the color mixing experience by reinforcing color theory with a thorough lesson on color theory to help you learn what makes for great color combinations and what makes mud.

More Color and Composition
We're not stopping with the color wheel. In the next module let's explore muted colors, mixing vibrant greens, value and what makes a a strong composition.

Mixing Lab Sampler
Finally, in the last module we practice our new found color knowledge by mixing up predesigned palettes colors using only 3 tubes of paint - cyan, magenta and yellow plus white.
How long do I get to keep the Art Course?
You have unlimited LIFETIME* access to this Studio Course. *Lifetime means for as long as Kellee Wynne Studios, LLC is in business and offering art courses.
What Supplies Do I Need?
More than likely you already have what you need on hand and we encourage you to be innovative and use what you have. However, if you need supplies, we have an Amazon Storefront with our best recommendations: LINK
When does the Class Begin?
All e-courses are self-study and self-paced. The videos are all prerecorded and ready to watch upon purchase. You can watch them whenever you want, and as many times as you wish. It is up to you to find the timing that suits you best. Make time for your creativity. It is a gift you are giving yourself!
How do I View the Content?
You can access the lessons and video from most mobile devices and computers with high speed internet. The videos will be hosted online on an easy to use platform called Simplero. This course will also be available for download if you wish.
Once I sign up, when will I receive my login?
You will first receive a confirmation email as soon as you sign up. Login instructions will be sent to the email you used during registration. If it's the first time you are taking one of my classes, you will receive a random password for the classroom site. Once you are logged in, you will be able to go into your settings and change the password to your liking. If you are a returning student, the class will be automatically added to your existing member account, provided that you have used the same email address when registering.
Do You Offer Refunds?
If you feel like you don’t get value from this online art course and additional bonuses, you can email us at admin@kelleewynnestudios.com anytime within 14 days and we will happily refund your full purchase price. *note content is not downloadable until after the refund period ends.
Content Origin
Some content may be familiar if you were ever part of Kellee's past True Colors membership program. Content has been edited, updated and made relevant for the course. More than 50% of the content is brand new. The good news is that if your loved True Colors you'll finally be able to keep the content!
3 Complete Modules with over eight hours of content valued at more than $350
2 Bonus Modules with several more hours of valuable content
1 Amazing LIVE Online Retreat valued at $95/day
All lessons hosted on an easy to access website
Learn Modern Color Theory Basics, including color mixing!
Dozens of Mixed Media techniques you can use in all your artwork
Knowledge about Color use and inspiration in printable PDFs
Access to a joyful Facebook community of like-minded creative souls
Lifetime access to the online course so that you can learn on your own time
Bonus Painting Courses worth over $150
Regularly $199
©2018 - 2024 Kellee Wynne Studios, All Rights Reserved | PRIVACY POLICY